‘Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder’ Will Soon Be Diagnosable Using the ICD In 2013 the editors of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), manual of mental health diagnoses, declined to add a disorder called “Hypersexual Disorder.” This has caused major problems, according to experts: This exclusion has hindered prevention, research, and treatment efforts, and left clinicians without a formal […]
Recovery: The Air We Breathe
Are You Doing Whatever it Takes to Recover? During my 8½ year tenure at PCS (Psychological Counseling Services, Ltd) I sat in many sessions during the PCS intensives with some clients (most clients were from out-of-state) who expressed their reluctance to step outside their zone of familiarity. They were sitting in the middle of an […]
Betrayal Blindness: An Adaptive Response to Betrayal Trauma
Denial or Betrayal Blindness? The impact to attachment Many betrayed partners enter therapy in a state of shock and disbelief, reeling from the discovery of their partner’s extracurricular sexual behaviors. They sit on my couch and tell me they had no idea, not even an inkling, of what their significant other was doing. They have […]
Why are Men More Vulnerable to OCSB?
Male Vulnerability to Out-of-Control Sexual Behavior The majority of individuals who experience out of control sexual behavior are men. Why? This question is complex as is the answer. The ecological model of clinical social work (Pardeck, 1988) provides a frame in which we can understand the contributing factors that have resulted in men’s vulnerability to […]
Correcting Misunderstandings About Neuroscience and Problematic Sexual Behaviors
Neuroscience and PSBs In recent years, neuroscience discoveries about the reward system and human sexuality have shed new light on both problematic and healthy sexual behavior. As can be expected with any new paradigm, however, some doubtful neuroscience claims have also appeared in the media. As a neurosurgeon and the author of several papers on […]
Developing Client Resilience using Right Brain Creative Therapies
Be A Super Hero Creative therapies can nurture resilience in a client. When used to heal individuals it can be an impactful tool in moving clients along in the therapeutic process. My passion is working with clients who are experiencing relational trauma, especially those traumas that are created by intimacy issues, infidelity and/or sex/love addicted spouses. Resilience […]
Journaling: A Routine for Self Reflection
For those in recovery, journaling may be a common practice. It is the process of recording your thoughts on a regular basis. The value in doing this exercise is it often provides clarity in thoughts that may be in our minds or it allows one to visually experience and see the words that clutter the […]
‘Recovery Coach’: A member of the ‘Recovery Team’
Imagine the following scenario: your work life has been growing in complexity for several years and what started as occasional viewing of pornography to ‘ease that stress’ has grown to become a nightly habit of hours spent hidden away from your wife and children and the eventual discovery by your wife of disturbing and upsetting […]
Area of Refuge: Finding Safety in Any Situation
It was my first meeting of a men’s society of addiction treatment specialists, and my nervousness made me arrive early. Anxious questions ran the hamster wheel in my head. Would I fit in? I’m a recovery coach; would the gray conference room be filled with condescending psychiatrists and psychologists? That was my fear, anyway. The […]